Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
154 lines
title SHOWENV -- getenv demo
page 55,132
; SHOWENV.ASM - Demonstrate use of GETENV routine
; OS/2 version
; by Ray Duncan, Copyright (C) 1988 Ziff Davis
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
extrn DosExit:far ; OS/2 API functions
extrn DosRead:far
extrn DosWrite:far
extrn getenv:near ; returns address of env. string
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
msg1 db cr,lf,lf,'Enter name: '
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db cr,lf, 'The value is: '
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db 'not found!'
msg3_len equ $-msg3
inbuf db 64 dup (0) ; keyboard input buffer
inbuf_len equ $-inbuf
rlen dw ? ; receives actual number
; of bytes read
wlen dw ? ; receives actual number
; of bytes written
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
main proc far ; entry point from OS/2
; get env. variable,
; display cue to user...
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of message
push offset DGROUP:msg1
push msg1_len ; length of message
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
; get name of environment
; variable from user...
push stdin ; standard input handle
push ds ; address of input buffer
push offset DGROUP:inbuf
push inbuf_len ; length of input buffer
push ds ; receives actual length
push offset DGROUP:rlen
call DosRead ; transfer to OS/2
mov ax,rlen ; get length of input
sub ax,2 ; remove cr-lf characters
or ax,ax ; anything entered?
jz main2 ; no, exit
mov bx,ax ; append null to string
mov byte ptr [bx+inbuf],0
; display "The value is:"
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of message
push offset DGROUP:msg2
push msg2_len ; length of message
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
mov si,offset inbuf ; address of ASCIIZ string
call strupr ; fold to upper case
call getenv ; then search environment
or ax,ax ; find anything?
jz main1 ; no, display error message
; yes, display value of
; environment string
push stdout ; standard output handle
push es ; address of string
push di
push ax ; length of string
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
jmp main ; go ask for another
main1: ; env. variable not found
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of error message
push offset DGROUP:msg3
push msg3_len ; length of message
push ds ; receives bytes written
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
jmp main ; go look for another
main2: ; final exit to OS/2
push 1 ; terminate all threads
push 0 ; return code = 0
call DosExit ; transfer to OS/2
main endp
strupr proc near ; convert ASCII string to
; upper case
; call with DS:SI = string
push si ; save string address
strup1: lodsb ; next character
or al,al ; found end (null byte) ?
jz strup2 ; yes, jump
cmp al,'a' ; test if in range 'a'-'z'
jb strup1 ; skip it if not >= a
cmp al,'z'
ja strup1 ; skip it if not <= z
; change char to lower case
sub byte ptr [si-1],'a'-'A'
jmp strup1 ; get another char
strup2: pop si ; restore original string
ret ; address and return
strupr endp
_TEXT ends
end main